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  • No many npm packages
  • Chunks division
  • Debounce and Throttling
  • Desktop/Mobile app optimization
  • Gzip compression (compression)
  • Lazy loading (React.lazy())
  • images compression
  • tree shaking imports
  • redux code splitiong (redux-dynamic-modules)
  • redux reselect - мемоизация селекторов
  • no rerenders (React.useMemo(), React.callback()) и декомпозиция (разбивка)
  • контейнеры (hoc) и визуальные компоненты
import { getFile } from './usersService/createUser';

Lazy loading

const LazyComp1 = React.lazy(() => import('./Component1'));
const LazyComp2 = React.lazy(() => import('./Component2'));

Images, fonts, libs, components, reducers,