Effective English

32 - November/December lessons ✓

December 01, 2019

Thank-you emails

  1. Greeting (Приветствие)

Dear Tom!

  1. Discription (Описание)

Just a quick note to say thanks so much …

  1. Wishes (Пожелание)

See you later, best wishes, see you soon

  1. Signature (Подпись)

Evgeny Leukhin

Introductory worlds (Вводные слова)

to begin with, firstly, secondly, thirdly, moreover (более того), in addition, besides (между прочим), however (однако), first of all, also, by the way

I would like to mention (упомянуть), … to note (заметть), … to underline, … to notice (отметить), … to add

All in all (в конце концов), to sum it up (подведя итоги)

It is an open secret, that … (Не для кого не секрет, что)

Food vocabulary

food/meal, taste, meat, dish (блюдо), cusine,

Stuffing (начинка), baked (печеный), boiled (вареный), fresh (свежий), fried (жареный на масле), grilled (на грилле), raw (сырой), roast (жареный без масла), savoury (пряный), spicy (острый), sweet (сладкий), salty (соленый), bitter (горький)


SWOT analysis

  • Strengths(сильные стороны)
  • Weaknesses (слабые стороны)
  • Opportunities (возможность)
  • Theats (угрозы)

e.g. “Exampli gratia” / for example (например)

As … as

As far as I know, as soon as posible



Eaten out - есть в заведении (outside), eat and run - есть на ходу

I’m sick of dorm food - Я устал от домашней еды

Word of mouth - со слов других

Gotten up on the wrong side of the bed - Встать не с той ноги

My treat - Мои заботы (Я угощаю)

Vain - перебор, wimp - слабак, bum - бездельник

No shit - без … (Это уж точно!)

Excuse me for cutting you off - Извините, что я вас перебиваю

Take you time - Не торопитесь


challenge (вызов, испытание), achive your goal (достичь цели), rely on me (положиться на меня), strength (сила), control your fear



  1. Перед сущ. во множиственном числе (перед the, my, your, any)

There are other roads to school. It may be her or others bug.

  1. Второй предмет из пары

I can’t find my other earring.

  1. Когда слова или предметы расположены далеко друг от друга

The other cars are near the river.

  1. В значении дополнительный

Have you got other ideas?

  1. Какой-то другой

Let’s discuss if some other time.

  1. Противопоставление

Park on the other side of the street.


  1. Дополнительный, другой

I want to have another break.

  1. Не та вещь, а другая

Let’s move to another apartment.

  1. Похожий

This chair is broken, take another one.

Some like pizza, other don’t.

Chair-person on a meeting (to chair a meeting)

  1. Getting people attention

If I could have your attention, please?

Could I have your attention, please?

Goof afternoon everyone.

  1. Welcome phrases

I’d like to welcome you all here today, now let’s get down to business.

Thank you all for comming. Perhaps, we can make a start.

I thanks everyone and welcome to today’s meeting. Let’s begin.

  1. Introduce yourself

Hello, I’m a …

  1. Introduce others

This is ..

  1. Introducing the topic and outlining tha agenda

Todays meeting is about …

We will talk about …

The aim of this meeting is to …

We will go over …

In today’s meeting we will cover

Evgeny Leukhin

Written by Evgeny Leukhin