Effective English

30 - Reported speech ✓

October 26, 2019

Речь бывает прямой и косвенной. Прямая - это речь от первого лица.

Direct speech

Передача чьих-либо слов буквально напрямую, также как это было сказано.

They said, "We have signed the contract".

Reported speech

Передача чьих-либо слов косвенно, посредством “себя”, через “репортера”.

При этом будет изменяться личное местоимение и время глагола, на “шаг назад” в прошлое.

They said, (that) they had signed the contract.

Change verb construction in reported speech

Present Simple -> Past Simple

  • I work for Google
  • He said, he worked for Google

Present Continous -> Past Continous

  • I'm working on this project
  • He said, he was working that project

Present Perfect -> Past Perfect

  • `I have finished this project
  • `He said he had finished this project

Past Simple -> Past Perfect

  • I met her before
  • He said, he had met her before

Past Continous -> Past Perfect Continous

  • At this time yesterday I was watching TV
  • He said he had been waching TV yesterday

Present Perfect Continous -> Past Perfect Continous

  • `I have been working on this project for 2 weeks
  • He said he had been working this project for 2 weeks

Is/are going to -> Was/were going to

  • `I'm going to stay here longer
  • He said he was going to stay here longer

Will -> Would, Can -> Could, Must -> Had to

  • I must go now * He said he had to go
  • I can do it * He said he could do it
  • I will come * He said he would come
  • I may come * He said he might come

Past Perfect, could, might, mustn’t в косвенной речи не меняются

Evgeny Leukhin

Written by Evgeny Leukhin