Effective English

20 - Relationship ✓

August 15, 2019

Relationship with someone

Get in touch - Связаться

Keep in touch - Поддерживать

Lose touch - Потерять связь

Catch up - Наверстать

Get on - Ладить

Fall out - Ссориться

Go out - Встречаться

Split up - Расстаться


Some - positive sent (Would you like some coffee?)

Any - negative sent (I don’t want any problems with my boss)


When I was studing at school I have many school-friends in my life. I get on with most of them. But when I was studing at the University I lose touch with almost of all that school-friends, but I get in touch with many university-friends. Later when I have ended styding in my Univercity I lose touch with that friend again. I think,this is very typical story for most people. When some persons have many common things, which unite them, they get in touch, if not - they lose touch and split up.

Life examples

We met an university

We get on well most of the time, although we argue sometimes, too.

We get on __, because __

Evgeny Leukhin

Written by Evgeny Leukhin