Effective English

17 - Ages, Modals, Discussion, Complaint ✓

August 06, 2019


  • Baby (0-1), Child (3-16), Toddler (малыш 1-3)
  • Young, Adolscent (подросток 11-16), Teenager (13-19), Adult (мол. чел 18+)
  • Middle-aged person (40-60)
  • Old/elderly person (60+), Retired person (на пенсии 60+)

Get a job, get a place of your own, get engaged, get married, have children, have your first kiss, learn to drive a car, retire, start wearing make-up

Gradation of Modals

  • Must / mustn’t (Обязательно) | You must to go
  • Have to / don’t have to (Должно) | You have to go
  • Should / shouldn’t (Следует) | You should use protection
  • Can / Could / Couldn’t (Возможность) | Can you help me?
  • May/ might /mightn’t (Разрешено) | May I come in?


I think because …

I my opinion …

The main reason is …

What do you think?


сomplaint - жалоба

to complaint - жаловаться

Evgeny Leukhin

Written by Evgeny Leukhin