Effective English

10 - Future events w\o Future Simple ✓

July 11, 2019

Future by Present Continious (like a going to)

Будущие события, о которых вы уверены почти на 100% можно описывать через Present Continious

I’m seeing them on this Saturday - Я увижу их в эту субботу

Future by Present Simple

Будущие события, которые происходят по расписанию или по четкому плану можно описывать через Present Simple (постоянно, регулярно)

The plain arives at the airport at 3 p.m.


Dear Olga

I very glad to write this letter and I’ll hope you answer me very soon.

Now I live in Omsk, It’s situated in West Siberia near with Kazahstan. We have very sunny and hot summer, sometimes temperature is above 30 degrees. I like ride bicycle or go for a walk in a parks in this weather with my family. My wife is on vocation now and I’ll hope that I take my vocation very soon. We shall want to go to a contryside, maybe in a sanatorium while this weather is still very sunny.

Sometimes I go to my work by bicycle and I enjoyed it. Now I work on new enterprice project which will last untill autumn,I think. It’s complicated, but interesting project.

I really want to learn guitar-playing and signing, recently i bought electric guitar with amplifier. I start practice with books and you-tube videos. Maybe I’ll buy some guitar-courses in the Udemy.com or take practice with a teacher.

I wish you good luck and good weekend. See you soon!

Evgeny Leukhin

Written by Evgeny Leukhin