Effective English

04 - Email correspondence ✓

June 20, 2019


Mr. John Smith, Best regards

Email abbrs

FYI - for your information

To whome it may concern - Кого это может касаться (если не знаем)

ASAP - As soon as posible

CV - Curriculum vitae(в переводе с лат. — «ход жизни») - подробный опыт работы

Resume - 1 page short resume

To catch up - Войти в курс дела

Behind of schedule / ahead of schedule - Позади плана / Впереди плана

Set deadline / meet deadline - Установить / Достигнуть

Please find attached - Найдите во вложении

Kick off the meeting - Начать встечу

By the book - По правилам

Touch base - Держать в курсе

Give the green light - Дать “зеленый свет”


  1. Please, send me answer about your dissigion, ASAP.
  2. I checked your Resume, our manager will contact with you today or tommorow.
  3. FYI: the plain will arrive at the airport in 3 a.m.
  4. Mr. Smith set deadline of your project. It will be 7 of July.
  5. I send email on your work-address, you may find my CV. Please find attached.

Evgeny Leukhin

Written by Evgeny Leukhin