Effective English

02 - Present Continuous (I am doing) ✓

June 13, 2019

Present Continuous (оно же Present Progressive) — это настоящее продолженное время.

  1. События, которые происходят прямо сейчас

    I’m driving, that’s why I can’t talk

  2. События, которые происходят в настоящем, но не обязательно в данный момент. Около настоящего момента

    I’m working hard on my English to get into university.

  3. События в будущем, которые запланированы. Как правило, это планы, в осуществлении которых человек на сто процентов уверен

    I’m visiting my dentist tomorrow.

Формула: Подлежащее + to be + V ing

+ - ?
I am(‘m) going I am not going Am I going?
You/We/They are(‘re) going You/We/They are not(aren’t) going Are you/we/they going?
He/She/It is(‘s) going He/She/It is not(isn’t) going Is he/she/it going?


Now, right now, at present, at the moment, always, soon

Going to - present (I am going to do)

+ - ?
I’m going to buy smth I’m not going to buy smth Am I going to buy smth?

Going to - past

+ - ?
I/He/She/It was going to buy smth I/He/She/It was not(wasn’t) going to buy smth
You/WeThey were going to buy smth You/We/They were not(wasn’t) going to buy smth

So and Such

It is so easy.

Such a wonderful place here.


I’m going to my job.

We’re standing in the airport.

Evgeny Leukhin

Written by Evgeny Leukhin